Video & Photography",subtitle:"Design, Development, Video, Photography",text:'
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nWith a multitude of fascinating projects to highlight, our strategy employed the use of a content heavy, long scrolling homepage with several callouts to dive deeper into each page of the site structure. Visually, users engage with big, beautiful banners and interactive content to keep their attention. The goal to drive donations is met by calls to action in the header and footer of each page so it cannot be missed.\n\n
Helping Americans
that don’t have
clean water get it.
\n \n
\n\n',title:"DIGDEEP",".key":"-KlKAQB2fQJ9F-d_7AmT"},{alias:"yourgratefulnation",cover:"",live:"",priority:"3",project_how:"We began with production for the brand video, which included a photoshoot for the website. To coincide with the launch of the brand video, we were asked to desgin and develop an immersive web experience. ",project_what:"Create a unique website and brand video to increase exposure for the new story of who Your Grateful Nation is after their rebrand.",project_who:"Your Grateful Nation is a 501(c)3 non-profit committed to transitioning Special Operations veterans into their next successful career.",services:"Website Design & Development
\nVideo & Photography",subtitle:"Design, Development, Video, Photography",text:'
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nWith a multitude of fascinating projects to highlight, our strategy employed the use of a content heavy, long scrolling homepage with several callouts to dive deeper into each page of the site structure. Visually, users engage with big, beautiful banners and interactive content to keep their attention. The goal to drive donations is met by calls to action in the header and footer of each page so it cannot be missed.\n\n\n\n\n
Providing support, guidance, and a clear roadmap for our military heroes.
\n \n
',title:"Your Grateful Nation",".key":"-KluYu8xcyDEMwrv9Gid"},{alias:"grandlukto",cover:"",live:'Steam',priority:"4",project_how:"This is the first collaboration between Sunroof and Gamkat. We began by developing a gameplay strategy for a game-mechanic unique to our brand. The game-mechanic took a spin on the classic breakout and was developed using the game engine Unity3d and animated with Spine.",project_what:"Grand Lukto is a madly fast-paced block-smashing arcade game that blends tennis and breakout into an action title releasing on the Steam Marketplace.",project_who:"We teamed up with Gamkat, a UK based game studio producing their first major title for PC and console.",services:"2D Game Design
Unity Development",subtitle:"2D Game Design, Unity Development, Animation, Web Design & Development",text:'\n\n\n
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nWith a multitude of fascinating projects to highlight, our strategy employed the use of a content heavy, long scrolling homepage with several callouts to dive deeper into each page of the site structure. Visually, users engage with big, beautiful banners and interactive content to keep their attention. The goal to drive donations is met by calls to action in the header and footer of each page so it cannot be missed.\n\n
\n \n
\n',title:"Grand Lukto",".key":"-KludUKMJ354HMBUKTQl"},{alias:"dragondrop",cover:"",live:"Coming soon",priority:"5",project_how:"We began by solving the most critical issues we faced as a team and then branched out to see how our solution could be applicable to others. In the end we created our first public application that aims to reduce file clutter and improve the remote team’s file sharing workflow.",project_what:"Dragon Drop is a web application that we developed as an in-house solution for a better way to share and manage our team’s file transfers.",project_who:"This was an internal development project for us.",services:"Website Design & Development",subtitle:"Creative, Design, Animation, Development",text:'
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nMinimalist UI with a streamlined UX\nFun, eye catching animations that engages the user\nBecause of a crowded market\n\n\n
',title:"Dragon Drop",".key":"-KlujPW2S_rcrpbB9Grg"},{alias:"dougholtphotography",cover:"",live:"",priority:"6",project_how:"We developed the frontend user interface animations and transitions of the website using the Javascript framework Vue and a backend custom CMS to manage the content within.",project_what:"This is the 4th collaboration on the studio’s website between Sunroof and Doug Holt Photography. For this iteration we conceived a minimal design that highlighted the studio’s best work, by creating an advanced single-page application.",project_who:"Doug Holt Photography is commercial studio in NYC and a long time client of Sunroof.",services:"Website Design & Development",subtitle:"Design, Development",text:'
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nMinimalist UI with a streamlined UX\nFun, eye catching animations that engages the user\nBecause of a crowded market\n\n\n
',title:"Doug Holt Photography",".key":"-KlurV8Lrs4B14oAVgnJ"},{alias:"dannygonzales",cover:"",live:"",priority:"7",project_how:"We came to the rescue by designing and developing a one-of-a-kind portfolio inspired by Danny’s most personal project--his own home.\n",project_what:"A custom Wordpress theme.",project_who:"Danny Gonzales is a Los Angeles based designer.",services:"Website Design & Development",subtitle:"Design, Development",text:'
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nUnique design\nMultiple types of content\nCommunicate personality\n\n
',title:"Danny Gonzales",".key":"-KlutUXyM52U4Ie5NvS7"},{alias:"ready-at-dawn",cover:"",live:"",priority:"2",project_how:"We built a custom Wordpress theme that gave full control over updates and maintenance to the site.",project_what:"Design and develop a website to represent the newly established company so that they could capitalize on their media buzz surrounding their next video game launch, The Order 1886.",project_who:"Ready At Dawn Studios is a video game development house famous for The Order 1886 and God of War series.",services:"Web Design & Development",subtitle:"Design, Development",text:'
',title:"Ready At Dawn Studios",".key":"-KpbTzFzsYVoOscCJz5r"},{alias:"statebird",cover:"",live:"",priority:"1",project_how:"We first began the process my choosing a color palette and creating a charming logo. Then we developed a progressive website with Vue.js and a customized CMS. ",project_what:"Develop a visually appealing brand logo and website to showcase their large breadth of work.",project_who:"State Bird is a fully integrated creative production studio with offices in Los Angeles & New York.",services:"Logo & Website Design\nWebsite Development\nCustom CMS Development",subtitle:"Design, Development",text:'
\n\n# THE CHALLENGE\nThis projects biggest obstacle was finding a balance between elegance and youthfulness. State Bird is not your standard agency, and we wanted the brand to feel fresh without throwing credibility out the window. Additionally, State Bird wanted to show off a large quantity of projects, so we needed a site that could load quickly and keep users browsing.\n\n\n
"We must be proud
of everything
we create."
',title:"State Bird",".key":"-KtwS08ub6Y4tM1ksEXK"}],user:null},serverRendered:!0}